Sunday, September 4, 2016

Timeline of Resurrection Appearances

This has been a busy and interesting weekend! But it means I have not had the time to prepare my planned notes on the resurrection appearances of Jesus, as reported in the New Testament.  I will see if I can update this tomorrow.

The New Testament records a number of appearances of Jesus after his resurrection.  I will try to summarize that here.

Luke 24 has the women visiting the tomb, followed by Peter.  Matthew 28 has the women seeing Jesus before they visit the Eleven. (It also records that they saw one angel.) Possibly we have two visits to the empty tomb. The first visit involves two women, both named Mary (Matt 28: 1-10). Mark (in Mark 16:1-8) records these two women visiting the tomb, along with a woman named Salome.

According to John, Mary Magdalene saw the empty tomb (with a stone rolled away.) She then told Peter and John about this. They go to the tomb, John first, but John does not go in. Peter does. (No angels are mentioned.) John believes that Jesus has risen from the dead. They leave the tomb and then Jesus appears to Mary (after she tells the disciples the tomb is empty) and Mary sees two angels, one at the foot and one at the head of the tomb.

Later that evening Jesus appears to a number of disciples, including two unnamed followers who are walking to nearby Emmaus.  A week later he appears when Thomas is with the others. This seems to all occur in Judea. Later (John 21, Matthew 28: 16-20) Jesus appears in Galilee, maybe twice.

Paul, in I Corinthians 15: 3-7, records that after appearing to Peter and the other disciples, at one time Jesus appeared to more than 500 followers, many of whom are still alive in Paul's day.

Here are some online sources that attempt to work through the various appearances.

From a Catholic scholar, a blog post.

This post, from, even attempts to give precise dates, although leaving out the appearance of Jesus to Peter.  (The exact dates should be viewed with suspicion.)

I'll look at these other entries later, when I get caught up!

Tomorrow we return to the study of Luke.

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