Friday, December 30, 2016

"A Year in the New Testament" -- Reviewing 2016

Over the past 365 days, I have read through each New Testament chapter and commented lightly on the passages.  My readings have focused primarily on what the passages say, without pushing on, necessarily, to interpretation or application.

On Sundays, instead of looking at a particular passage, I took a break from the chapter study and summarized an idea that I felt was related to the recent New Testament readings.

I have enjoyed this study and have been fairly consistent with it.  In 365 days I have made 365 posts. (I got seriously behind in my posting in November, as I struggled with a variety of other activities, including work and soccer. But I caught up in mid-November, often making two posts a day.)

Since I've gone through this process once and have reached some basic consistency in how I post the New Testament passage, I think it is time to do it again!  So I will begin on January 1 with the Gospel of Luke and work through 2017 attempting to, once again, cover a New Testament chapter each day.

Feel free to join me! If you are interested in reading through the New Testament in 2017, I invite you to "follow" the blog and feel free to make a comment or two!

You may believe that the New Testament is "Scripture", that is, the voice of God speaking to us fragile humans. Or you may simply recognize that the New Testament is significant literature, literature of one of the world's great religions. Regardless of your view of the New Testament, join me in reading it!

You may write me by sending email to KenWSmith54 (AT) gmail (DOT) com.

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