Saturday, December 30, 2017

Identifying the Antichrist

The book of Revelation, especially the 13th chapter, warns of a beast who acts as a puppet of Satan. Many have attempted, over the last 2000 years, to identify the antichrist.

Who is the antichrist? Is there just one? (I John 2:18 suggests there are many antichrists.) Attempts to identify the antichrist as a particular individual generally involve two assumptions: that the events described in Revelation 4-19 allude to a short historical time and that one is living in that time.

After reading through the book of Revelation, imagine this. In the far future, some people, maybe refugees hiding in caves, discussing a world leader. As they discuss this individual, they list the following facts:
  1. He rules one of the most powerful nations of all time. 
  2. He rises to power during a time of hyperinflation that destroys everyone's savings. (Workers ask to be paid in the morning so they can immediately go buy bread; the price of bread might double by the end of the day!)
  3. He makes claims to be Christ & encourages a private cult of worshipers. 
  4. He claims to be the emperor of a resurrected Roman Empire. 
  5. He claims his Roman Empire will last a millennium. 
  6. He has, as personal supporter ("false prophet"), the ruler of Italy (and Rome). 
  7. He introduces an anti-Christian "broken cross" to symbolize his regime. 
  8. He believes he has a supernatural calling to destroy all descendants of Israel. 
  9. Many of his counselors and governors are committed to astrology and the occult. 
  10. He sets up a fake Christian church (the "Protestant Empire Church") which he controls. 
  11. He martyrs many Christians, beheading some of them.
  12. He engulfs the entire world in a cataclysmic war in which millions die. From the point of view of some of his opponents (and victims) this war lasts 3 1/2 years. 
If one views Revelation as a description of historical, chronological events, then it might be easy to agree with these refugees that they have indeed identified the antichrist.  Yet the description, above, describes Adolf Hitler. (His thousand year empire was called the Reich and so the church he created was often called the Reich Church.)

If there is a single antichrist, then Hitler was not it. But if the book of Revelation describes themes that cycle through history, then there have been a number of antichrists and Hitler would surely be one of them. In this case, there will be more.

If most of the book of Revelation is about a single short period of time (the Great Tribulation, spanning seven years?) then that part of the book has little value for the millions of Christians who have read it across the ages.  But if the book of Revelation is about certain themes that cycle throughout world history, then the image of Christ and the reassurances the book provides, these are all of value to the many Christians caught in the rein of this or that antichrist.  The Christians suffering in Nazi Germany could be reassured that their antichrist would eventually fall and that God was ultimately in control.  Similar assurances are offered to the Christians under the past massacres of Stalin or Mao or the current massacres by ISIS.

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