Sunday, January 10, 2016

Online aids to studying the Gospel of Matthew

We celebrate the second Sunday of the new year by NOT moving on to new material but instead doing a little bit of review. If you have missed a day in reading through the Gospel of Matthew, this is a time to catch up.

Meanwhile, I'll describe some nice web sources I have found on the Gospel of Matthew.

The Overview Bible project also has a nice summary of the Gospel of Matthew.

There is a free audio of the Gospel of Matthew available here at librivox.
Here is the Gospel of Matthew read in the King James Version on Youtube.  (Personally, I'm not a fan of the ancient King James Version – too many associations with church traditionalism and legalism for me – but you may enjoy it.)

The Bible Gateway is a good place to begin a study.  Pick a chapter in which you are interested (such as Matthew 1) and then along the right side of the page, click on "Study This".  A variety of commentary options will appear, some old, some new, some free, some not.

Among the published commentaries one might purchase are these five recommended by Ligonier Ministries.  If English is not your first language – or even if it is! – there is a nice "EasyEnglish" commentary on Matthew here.

But, frankly, one should spend most of one's time on the original source, the Scriptures themselves.  The commentaries are for the curious, after reading a bit in the original Bible chapters ... which we will try to do tomorrow!

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